Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Wind in the Maple

It is muggy this afternoon. We have a tornado watch right now. The wind is freeing the tiny helicopters from the maple trees. There are so many falling from the sky it almost looks like snow outside my window.

Summer is almost here.

No geese for the Urban Farmer

A little intro to the newest blog...

I have about 7 different blogs I post on or for. I have too many ideas to write about and not enough avenues to write them all down in. So, with some encouragement from friends and a few family members I decided to actually make a real live personal, tell anything I want, blog. Sometimes I will just post pictures and other times a rant and perhaps a review of a product etc. This is the melting pot of my ADHD--in fact that should have been the blog name!

I won't bore you all with an about me section--if you are reading this you probably know about me. Some of you may even know more about me than even I do. Others who may stumble in here--well you do not need to know "about me."